This is our trademark service, as quality and fast translations are our targets. These translations represent the close collaboration between the project manager, translators, reviewers, subject experts, and others.
The quality of our translations is very high, because each project undergoes both translation and proofreading, which encompasses the input of at least 2 linguists: a translator with expertise in the field who is a native speaker of the target language, and a proofreader with a vast experience in the same area, also a native speaker of the target language and fluent in the source language.
All linguists selected for a project are recruited based on excellent recommendations concerning their work and how well they perform during complex tests they take on a regular basis. For those projects with difficult, technical terminologies, designed for a target group, we collaborate with reviewers holding specialist academic degrees, such as engineers, physicians, and others.
We believe that modern technology plays an important role in performing and ensuring a quality translation, in time and at minimal costs; therefore, we use state-of-the-art computer-assisted tools which allow us to create extremely complex and useful translation memories and terminology bases for consecutive translations, as far as terminology, style and structure are concerned.
Given the extremely specialist nature of the domains we tackle, we place high emphasis on continuous research and documentation, and we use each stage of the translation process to guarantee that the end-product is accurate, of high quality and carefully revised before delivery.